Monday, July 23, 2012

Baking Soda Microdermabrasion Facial

It sounds simple and it is. The results are amazing and well worth the 5 minutes of standing there doing nothing..which some find easy to do but for me was the biggest challenge of my day.
My skin doesn't need my knowledge anyway..however I am 31 and so I do need to start researching these things as I assume I will be in need of them at some point.

I defiantly benefited from this somehow because my skin was literally glowing when I finished massaging my moisturizer in and 5 hours later it still is :) so for that benefit alone I will probably do this at least once a month. It was SUPER simple and like I said only took 5 minutes.

  • Small Bowl
  • 3Tbsp Baking Soda
  • 2Tbsp Water (Maybe less)
  • Good Facial Moisturizer
  1. Wash your face as usual.
  2. Mix the baking soda and water in the bowl until it forms a paste. You want it a little like the consistency of glue not runny but not dry and clumpy either.
  3. Take a small amount and massage onto skin in an upward and circular motion, never go downwards that creates dragging of the skin and aids in wrinkling.
  4. Once you have massaged your entire face (avoiding eyes) apply the remainder to your face like you would a mask and allow it to sit for 5 minutes. I am not sure if this was just me or if anyone else has ever experienced this but I did feel a slight burn..nothing major or concerning..while this sat on my face.
  5. Rinse with cool water and not rub..your face dry with a clean soft towel.
  6. Follow with a Facial Massage..yes you can do one yourself. It is not as nice as having one done in the salon however after a procedure like this it not only feels nice but your skin really needs it.  
  7. Start by applying the moisturizer to the tips of your clean fingers then massage in an upward circular motion across your face and neck using moderately firm pressure. Once again do not go downward as this will create dragging of the skin always go upward in a circular motion. Once you have done this a couple of times you will find yourself using this method to apply your moisturizer every morning. It's great for your circulation and can help to improve the look of your skin.  
This is the approximate consistency of the baking soda mixture that I used.

Sorry that is where the pictures goofy pictures today of me in a baking soda mask HaHaHa...maybe on the next one?!?

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